Thursday, May 29, 2008

Infectious SMILES

Its been a crazy busy week for me constantly running from one place to another. Granted, if I knew how to say no to some things, it would be easier but its those things that I truly enjoy in life and am attempting to make time for (See earlier post).

So this morning I'm up early working on a project for class. When I say early, I mean at the coffee shop already working by 6:15. I'm feeling pretty exhausted but when I came in this morning, I was greeted with what I will call the 'infectious SMILE' by the coffee barista. Now, granted she is a fun and energetic person, and has had a really busy week as well (we chatted a bit this morning) but she still has the life in her to smile this early in the morning. Quite inspiring and makes the stress of the week go away.

So thank you unnamed coffee barista for the infectious smile this morning.

* side note...this reminds me a commercial...for coke or diet coke possible...where the consumer opens a bottle of diet coke, smiles and it becomes infections to anyone who walks by and continues to be passed on....or something like that.

Ponderings for this early morning...
** how long of constant smiling does it take for your cheeks to hurt?
** I'm still working on that IV of coffee...suggestions?
** you can always learn and be inspired...don't shut inspiration out of your life. (not a pondering but a statement!)

Sunday, May 25, 2008

Not Feeling My Age

So I'm not feeling my age this weekend. I feel so much older and am in that state of mind as well. I find myself constantly reminding myself that I'm not that old and that I have so much life to life. So, start living it! I'm working on it.

Played a pickup game of kickball today - I'm gonna feel that tomorrow. It wasn't that vigorous but when you're not in shape, it makes it hurt all the more.

I've also had some realizations today that with my age, I need to focus on my age group more. I need to focus on building those adult relationships. Its nothing against my younger friends but, fact of the matter is, we're in different places in our lives. That doesn't mean I'm going to become best friends with people that are 60 (I'm not that old by the way) but just needing to diversify my friendship base.

My ponderings...
... can 45 minutes of kickball really make me hurt this much? What happened to the kickball days in college?

... how do i really mentally cut the strings of the past and move on?

... do I expect too much? why do I get so attached? I'm I really that emotional and sensitive of a person?

Saturday, May 10, 2008


I was watching some TV on the DVR from earlier this week and was inspired but a comment made by a character.

paraphrasing.... quit seeking happiness in something new, unknown, and outside of yourself...go back to that which makes you happy and allows you to bring value....

Not a bad statement so I'm going to attempt that...focusing on those things that I know inside of me allow me to feel a sense of value. I know there are a number of things however I need to seek out those core items that will provide the greatest result.

If I'm happy...that's all that matters. The rest of life will fall into place.

Tuesday, May 6, 2008


I'm almost halfway through my second week of a new job and am finally having some sense of confidence in my job and knowing what I'm doing. I've actually felt really good about a few things that I've done and some discussions that I've had with some people. Its amazing what a little bit of confidence can do.

But, at the same time, confidence at work and in one's profession doesn't always translate into the personal side of things. Sometimes you want something so bad and don't find it, but find something else along the way. And, as time goes on, that thing you wanted so bad, and felt like you were not obtaining, you realize you already have. It just wasn't discovered yet. Embrace it and challenge it so it will grow.

Ponderings / thoughts for today...

Sometimes things you want most are right in front of you...don't lose sight of that which is closest to, I'm not talking about my nose, am I? [I'm not, I'm actually referring to self-happiness]

Don't' take anything for just never know...

Coffee is such a blessing...except that fact that I feel incredibly sleep deprived. Is snoozing for an hour every morning a bad thing?? I think not!

Sunday, May 4, 2008


The weekend is coming to a close and I ask myself, where does the time go? I had such aspiriations for a productive weekend and seem to have fell short. Time seems to be so precious lately with the new job and the new class and all that is entailed in it. I also feel as though I've been neglecting other desires that I have committed to in terms of some volunteer work. Its so hard trying to maintain that balance...or at this point...trying to find the balance.

Tomorrow is a new week and we'll give it another try. At the same time, I want to address priorities in my life but it might be too much to handle. But we'll see.

My ponderings...

Hardwork does payoff in the end...right?
Patience....geez I wish I had. Can you buy it?
Friends...can be the most important in your life at times. Cherish them.

Thursday, May 1, 2008

Lacking a subject for tonight

And so I made it through another day... day four to be exact. I feel like I'm starting to get into the grove a bit and gaining some confidence. I was trained on the sales lead follow-up process today. Interesting stuff....considering I'm not really a sales guy and don't enjoy it too much. But I want this position to challenge me and cause me to grow so it all good.

I'm also trying to not stress too much about this marketing plan project either but we'll see as I begin to progress. I actually began working on some content tonight which made me feel good. I was hoping to relax tonight but ended up working on that instead. Maybe I'll relax some this weekend.

I've been having a number of thought-provoking ideas and contemplations today. It has definitely kept my mind in many places. Thoughts that I chose not to share at this time but interesting thoughts all beit.

I do also want to admit that I'm actually enjoying writing my thoughts out each day. In a way, its actually therapeutic to an extent. So...I guess I can't complain that I may stay up a bit later to make sure I write this blog, but overall, I think its worth it.

Now...tonight's posting would not be complete without out my ponderings. Tonight...I want to share a pondering from a friend of mine who will remain anonymous...

If I were to go skydiving with my friends and they were on the ground waiting for me and my I began to fall to the ground, what would my friends think if I started to swim in the air? (hope I got that right)

Technology is great...but I seem to be going through a phase of lack of reliability. Is it worth an upgrade at this point or stick it out?

If one had the ability to go into the mind of what someone else was thinking, would you be scared, angry or happy or some other feeling?

Why am I so interested in what someone is thinking?