Saturday, January 2, 2010

Blog Has Moved!

With 2010, changes are evident.

My blog has moved to

Check it out there!

Thursday, December 31, 2009

Take It One Day At A time

In the hurries of life, work, social activities, school, etc. or whatever it may be in just need to take it one day at a time. Visibility to the big picture is important but you can't let that consume you. If you succeed at each of the individual days, you will reach your goal or the big picture.

Saturday, December 19, 2009

The Holiday Season - The Meaning

What is it about the holidays that always seem to make things stressful? Have we forgotten the true meaning of this season? The birth of Christ.

Sunday, December 13, 2009


I've been challenged lately in my life, happiness, relationships and my overall focus of my life. Realizing that I am ultimately not in control, it's time for a refocus in my life. I had a conversation the other night with a friend who is experiencing the same need / desire for refocus in their life and has served as some inspiration for this post.

Why is it that life and all that comes with life can, at times, just cloud our primary focus in life: being obedient to God? Sometimes the drama of life and relationships has a negative impact on my life. I'm a challenged with navigating the waters through the drama to determine if there is indeed a purpose behind those relationships and if they support the primary of objective of my time on earth. Lately, this challenge has become overwhelming and has caused me to rethink some of the friendships I have in my life. I'm not removing those individuals as friends in my life but withdrawing to take the time to reflect on who I am becoming as a person apart from those people in my life.

Happiness cannot be found in others but only in yourself. Until I can find contentment with who I am as a person and my own personality, true happiness will continue to elude me. Unfortunately, a figment of my happiness will try to consume my life and give me false impressions of what I will someday truly achieve.

Sunday, November 29, 2009

What is a Moment?

So my blog is titled 'Defining Life's Moments but what is the definition of a moment? I think a moment can mean different things to different people and can also be dependent upon the situation. You're sitting at the coffee shop and across the way your eyes meet with an attractive young woman...and there is that moment, where you both smile and look away.

There is that time when you get a call from a friend who you haven't spoken with or seen in many years and you pick up the phone and don't miss a beat....that's a moment.

With two seconds left, down by a 2 points and your star player gets the ball and from behind the 3-point line, throws up a shot....nothing but net to with the that moment....

Moment's are simple points in time when something changes, whether for the good or bad (but hopefully the good). Embrace those moments in life for life on earth itself, is only a moment in time.

Friday, November 27, 2009

It Is What It Is and Therefore Will Be

We, as humans, can only control so much in life. Ultimately, our God, creator is in control of our lives down to the littlest detail. So why do we strive so hard to make decisions, plan for the future and stress so much over what our path for our life is?

The decision-making process should be left out of our hands and left ultimately to our creator. What can we do when we realize life is what is is and will be? Pray. We can pray continuously for guidance and direction in our lives and the decisions that we make, the people we meet, the words we speak and the actions we take.

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Friendships - Relationships - Community

I've recently reconnected with some old friends over the past few months with a bit more regular communication as of late. I've come to realize that distance in life should never come between friendships. There shouldn't be a need to 'reconnect' with people just because they move far away. Friendships take a little bit of effort but the effort is worth the relationships that you can build over time. Sometimes conversations are reduced to the hi, how are you and what's new. Other times, the conversations start right from the beginning...'Hi Austin...what's the meaning of life?' There are those people in your lives that bring meaning and purpose to life to promote healthy and meaning communication and relationship in one's life. Those relationships reconnect you with community and allow you to expand your network in various forms. Community can bring people together from all walks of life with similarities or differences. Individuals can thrive in community, grow individually and grow together.

Thank you to those in my life that I've 'reconnected' with.