Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Catalyst 4.0, The Ending

Over the course of my last few posts, I've talked about catalysts in my life. I may not have shared as much regarding specific examples but that is where this final posting about catalysts comes in. In this last posting in the series, I want to talk about the catalyst of conversation and sharing.

Conversation is vital to life. Through conversation, you are able to share your thoughts, feelings, ideas and a little piece of yourself. I find myself enjoying being on the 'listening' side of many conversations. I truly enjoy learning more about individuals, and being able to communicate with them. Through conversation, oftentimes you end up sharing things about yourself but can also have the opportunity to share something that is personal to each of us: our faith.

They say, two things you don't talk about are politics and religion. Well, if you don't talk about religion (or your faith in this example), how else can you learn about others and grow in community? The sharing of your faith should allow you to demonstrate the love of God for each of us and your individual desire to grow in your own faith. Through the sharing of your faith, you are also doing God's work by sharing more about Him.

My sharing + God's working = catalyst. What you do with this catalyst is up to you but through a simple conversation, you can have a great impact on one's life. I know that I have experienced this many times and hope that God continues to reveal Himself to others through me.

Sunday, March 29, 2009

Catalyst 3.0

The third catalyst component is serving - something I'm quite familiar with. Being a servant to an individual or a group of people demonstrates your care for others and models after God's care for us. It says in 1 Peter 4:10, we are to serve others with whatever gift we have received. Through acts of service towards others, our experiences will expand our own personal knowledge of God.

I have seen this happen in my life. I'm quite involved in our technical arts ministry at my church and have been amazed at a number of things. First, the sense of community you receive when you helps outs. You develop relationships and establish community through your service. Second, I have gained knowledge of God, His working in my life and the plans yet in store for me. Through the relationships that I've developed, I have been challenged in my own faith, resulting in greater knowledge and understanding. I still have questions and hope to continually ask questions in hopes of expanding my knowledge base. Third, I have gained much technical knowledge specific to the areas where I serve. This knowledge has proved to be beneficial not only in my professional career but is also hopefully setting the stage for my future career plans.

Service doesn't have to be long-term, high volume of hours or doing the hard things. Service can be as simple as handing out bulletins or just being available to answer questions. Yes, some serve in greater roles and have greater responsibilities than others. It's all dependent upon what gift's God has given to you and what He is placing on your heart.

Things I'm pondering...
... how much of an impact one individual can have on person's life...
... sometimes having a plan can be irrelevant...maybe...
... I'm pondering that second thing I'm pondering...

Friday, March 27, 2009

Thoughts on the day...week...

A few thoughts on the day... and the week.

It was a relatively good week...I think. I have felt much in search of something this week however not quite sure what it is that I'm looking for. Direction? Relationship? Acceptance? Recognition? Grace? All of the above?

I'm not to the point of being discouraged in not knowing what I'm looking for but yet am a bit frustrated. I struggle with getting to the point where 'its OK to not know everything'.

But what am truly looking for? Is it something greater than I could imagine? If I found all of the above feelings and emotions were found and met, would satisfaction and contentment then result?

I honestly don't know. But I hope that one day, I'll find whatever it is that I'm looking for.

Monday, March 23, 2009

Catalyst - 2.1

So I've deviating from the weekly (which isn't happening very well) posting about the current Catalyst series at my church. Tonight...I'm bringing a brief note about how a catalyst has worked in my life recently.

There are times in life when you seem down, discouraged, frustrated....the list continues. But something happens in your life to begin to turn things around...a catalyst perhaps. I've recently experienced this in a conversation with a friend recently that helped me put things (generally speaking...life) in perspective. Life is short and you must always keep things in perspective. You need to live in the moment and not worry so much about what life will bring. I've been struggling with my milestone age change upcoming and not believing that I've accomplished what I had set out for by this age. Well, the reason could be that I haven't given full control of my life over to the one who has already determined the plan for my life: God. This is easier said than done and I believe many will agree. But I've realized (with the help of some close friends) life is not about what you've accomplished, where you succeed in life, etc. Life is about relationships, about connection, about community and most importantly, seeking after God's will. What is his will? Only he knows and I must fully trust Him and allow it to be reveled. Its not an easy task but each day, I must step back and release control of the journey and turn over the reigns for whatever life will bring - good or bad.

It's a growing period and can feel the change in my life. It affects your attitude and outlook on life and may be somewhat negative initially. But PATIENCE will prevail in the end.

Bottom line: Seek God's will and allow Him to fully control and guide your life. Be Patience for His workings and it will be revealed to you.

Things I'm pondering....
... why does 6 hours of sleep go by so much faster than the other 18 hours of the day?
... if I don't sleep, can my productivity in those 6 hours outweigh the added benefit of sleep?
... how amazed I can be by the people you meet along life's journey.

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Catalyst - Part 2

I'm a little behind but here is my second Catalyst posting.

Recap: Catalyst is a change that takes place when two or more elements are brought together.

The second Catalyst that each of has in our lives is the Catalyst of Connection. It is our human nature to connect with people as well as God's desire for us (Gen. 2:18).

The benefits of connecting with other people is endless. Connections result in community that provides encouragement, support, love and relationships. Most of, connecting and community results in friendships that can last a lifetime and have a significant impact in one's life.

So how do we connect with people? There are four primary areas where we connect: public space, social space, personal space and intimate space. Each 'space' has characteristics but for me, I connect the best either in the personal or intimate space. I focus on being intentional with a friend, being a great listener and providing unbiased advice based upon the situation and advice being seeked. Many people are less comfortable in these situations however this is where my personality thrives. There is something about being intentional in relationships that seem to provide greater value and understanding for each other.

To establish this relationship, you must first connect with other people, create a community and then develop your relationship from there.

Things I'm pondering...
... Can you have too many catalyst's working in one's life?
... Can you reach a point where you have too much community that results in detraction from relationships?
... Friendships are amazing and are a great support.