Thursday, December 31, 2009

Take It One Day At A time

In the hurries of life, work, social activities, school, etc. or whatever it may be in just need to take it one day at a time. Visibility to the big picture is important but you can't let that consume you. If you succeed at each of the individual days, you will reach your goal or the big picture.

Saturday, December 19, 2009

The Holiday Season - The Meaning

What is it about the holidays that always seem to make things stressful? Have we forgotten the true meaning of this season? The birth of Christ.

Sunday, December 13, 2009


I've been challenged lately in my life, happiness, relationships and my overall focus of my life. Realizing that I am ultimately not in control, it's time for a refocus in my life. I had a conversation the other night with a friend who is experiencing the same need / desire for refocus in their life and has served as some inspiration for this post.

Why is it that life and all that comes with life can, at times, just cloud our primary focus in life: being obedient to God? Sometimes the drama of life and relationships has a negative impact on my life. I'm a challenged with navigating the waters through the drama to determine if there is indeed a purpose behind those relationships and if they support the primary of objective of my time on earth. Lately, this challenge has become overwhelming and has caused me to rethink some of the friendships I have in my life. I'm not removing those individuals as friends in my life but withdrawing to take the time to reflect on who I am becoming as a person apart from those people in my life.

Happiness cannot be found in others but only in yourself. Until I can find contentment with who I am as a person and my own personality, true happiness will continue to elude me. Unfortunately, a figment of my happiness will try to consume my life and give me false impressions of what I will someday truly achieve.

Sunday, November 29, 2009

What is a Moment?

So my blog is titled 'Defining Life's Moments but what is the definition of a moment? I think a moment can mean different things to different people and can also be dependent upon the situation. You're sitting at the coffee shop and across the way your eyes meet with an attractive young woman...and there is that moment, where you both smile and look away.

There is that time when you get a call from a friend who you haven't spoken with or seen in many years and you pick up the phone and don't miss a beat....that's a moment.

With two seconds left, down by a 2 points and your star player gets the ball and from behind the 3-point line, throws up a shot....nothing but net to with the that moment....

Moment's are simple points in time when something changes, whether for the good or bad (but hopefully the good). Embrace those moments in life for life on earth itself, is only a moment in time.

Friday, November 27, 2009

It Is What It Is and Therefore Will Be

We, as humans, can only control so much in life. Ultimately, our God, creator is in control of our lives down to the littlest detail. So why do we strive so hard to make decisions, plan for the future and stress so much over what our path for our life is?

The decision-making process should be left out of our hands and left ultimately to our creator. What can we do when we realize life is what is is and will be? Pray. We can pray continuously for guidance and direction in our lives and the decisions that we make, the people we meet, the words we speak and the actions we take.

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Friendships - Relationships - Community

I've recently reconnected with some old friends over the past few months with a bit more regular communication as of late. I've come to realize that distance in life should never come between friendships. There shouldn't be a need to 'reconnect' with people just because they move far away. Friendships take a little bit of effort but the effort is worth the relationships that you can build over time. Sometimes conversations are reduced to the hi, how are you and what's new. Other times, the conversations start right from the beginning...'Hi Austin...what's the meaning of life?' There are those people in your lives that bring meaning and purpose to life to promote healthy and meaning communication and relationship in one's life. Those relationships reconnect you with community and allow you to expand your network in various forms. Community can bring people together from all walks of life with similarities or differences. Individuals can thrive in community, grow individually and grow together.

Thank you to those in my life that I've 'reconnected' with.

Monday, November 23, 2009

All You Gotta Do Is Ask

So much of life is all about what we want and what we 'think' we need. While at the same, so often we come up with excuses or obstacles that come between us and what we desire. Many people associate this with materialistic things but this it's not limited to that.

The same goes for relationships, especially your personal relationship with God. When we pray, we may not always know what to say or how to 'speak'. The key is to make it conversational and less structured. God knows your heart, regardless of what you are saying. Also, if you want something, you gotta ask for it. God may or may not give it to you and it may not always come in the form you expect. Remember, God ultimately has a plan but if you don't ask, you won't receive.

Do not ever underestimate the power or prayer.

Saturday, November 21, 2009

A Troubled Heart

Troubled hearts come and go but there is one thing that will last forever. The Love of God. One must consistently Trust in God and rely upon Him for all things. God works in mysterious ways. Pray for patience and God will not give you clear direction until the time is right (teaching you to be patient and wait on His timing).

John 14:1 - Do not let your heart's be troubled. Trust in God.

Saturday, November 14, 2009

Three simple words: Hope, Love, Faith

The weekend message at my church focused on three simple words: Hope, Love, Faith. It's amazing how simple the words are but how extensive the impact can have on ones life.

Hope is given by God. We 'hope' for something in our lives; similar to wishes. God provides Hope to anyone seeking it. Without hope, comes despair.

Love: without it, you are empty and struggle to have relationship and connect with others. However, Love is the source of love, hope and faith. 'And now these three remain: faith, hope and love. But the greatest of these is love.' 1 Cor. 13:3 Without love, we are selfish.

Faith is active where 'belief' is passive. The act of faith allows us to understand what God says in His word and responding positively to it. Without faith, we have fear.

Over the past few weeks, I've been challenged to 'live by faith and not by sight'. 2 Cor. 5:7. It's a lot easier said then done but I am learning patience and slowly giving up control of my life and what I want and letting God lead and guide me.

Thursday, November 12, 2009

Music brings peace and calm to life

I decided to spend some time this evening at home, without the TV on and just listen to some music while cleaning up. Considering I have quite a vast library of music, I landed on James Taylor. There is something about calming sounds of the acoustic guitar and the voice that brought me back to a better frame of mind.

It's amazing how something as simple as music can have such an influence on someone. I will admit that music can play a big part in my mood and emotions in life. There are times where I will just hear a song and it just hits you....whether in a joyful and relaxing way or sometimes just makes you want to cry.

Music can bring peace and calm to life....make your music choices for the mood and season for its impact can be great.

Monday, November 9, 2009

Stepping up the social activity calendar

I've officially completed 15 of the 16 classes required for my Masters program and am currently on a 2-month break. Oh the relief and lack of stress. It's been a true blessing so far. Surprisingly though, I find myself bored and lacking that drive keeping me going every day.

I've decided to 'step up the social activity calendar' and starting getting out a bit more. Now granted, I practically live a my second home (a.k.a. Caribou Coffee) but I am usually doing homework and focused. I've now been out a few times with no real agenda except to just be 'out'.

This increase in social activity is new to me and I'm attempting to make some adjustments but I am hoping that the social side of me begins to shine through.

Does anyone have any tips on establishing more social awareness in a non-technology focused way? (i.e. in person vs. behind a computer screen)

Monday, July 20, 2009

Inspiration: Blank

I feel inspired to write tonight but yet at the same time have no inspiration in my writing. Could this be called Inspiration by the lack thereof? Does that make sense. I'm in a funk...gotta get out...gotta get through this. Wishing I had all the answers yet knowing all the answers won't change this place where I am. But where am I? Am I where there is the lack thereof? I feel lost in a a grain of sand in a desert. I seek direction but am adverse to guidance. Why is that? I know the path that must be taken but am yet skeptical of the destination. In a land of unknown, I want to know but don't want to know what I don't know. How's that for confusing?

Things I'm Pondering...
.... something and nothing but only that in between....

Monday, June 29, 2009

Why Don't You Understand

Tell me, please, why don't you understand? Is it because you've tried to hard and in doing so, you have pushed it away? Did you lose your hope? What has happened to your foundation? You know it is still there....go back to that which your foundation is built upon. Put aside your emotions and seek constantly. In all things you do, become intentional and for a reason, not just because. You will understand, one day....and every day. But open your eyes and see where you are and what you've become.

You will understand but you must openly accept that which has been placed before you. No harm will come, just follow the path.

Friday, June 26, 2009


Time off is an amazing thing. Time to just relax, no worries for the woes of life and time to just be. It's calming how simply reading a book, for leisure, can be a rejuvenating activity.

Remember to take time for yourself. Time is a precious gift that should not be taken for granted.

Things I'm pondering...
.... nothing...just enjoying the moment of time.

Tuesday, June 16, 2009


No one ever said life is easy. So why do we constantly expect it? Life is too hard? I don't know what to do? Why can't I just see into the future and see what the outcome will be? Unfortunately, it doesn't work that way. If only....

But what if complications are a good thing...could they be used to help us grow and be challenged? Maybe its just God's testing...not actual loss of direction of complication's in life but small tests of our faith and willingness to put God in front of our own desires and plans. The reward, in the end is so great, that why would we want to neglect this opportunity to become closer to our creator?

But...easier said then done. It's a daily challenge to not take control of your life and give that control over. We'll all be better off if we can do just that.

Jeremiah 29:11 - For I know the plans I have for you declares the Lord, plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.

Things I'm pondering...
...amazed how God works in mysterious ways...
...conversations with friends are inspiring...I highly recommend it... will get easier with God in the driver's seat...

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Judgement & Perfectionism

One must realize that it doesn't really matter what others think of you. As humans, we strive to always do the right thing and achieve perfection in our lives. Often, if not most times, we believe we are in control of this and can achieve that high-perched status of being perfect. When, in reality, we will also fall short of this for there is only one who is perfect.

So then, why is it we continually beat ourselves up, view ourselves as failures and then attempt to reach perfection when we know it is unattainable? Is it the pursuit of something we want but can't have? (Reminds me of relationships!)

A friend of mine recently expressed their concern of being a failure because of what others think of them. Who cares. Focus on you and your life. And remember, there is only one who we need to please with our actions and our life. For He has already paid the price for our sins and the decisions for our lives. He has set us free from judgement and criticism. Rejoice in what He has provided you with and surround yourself with those who love you. In the end, that is All that Matters.

Things I'm pondering...
...why must I strive to be perfect when I knowingly accept I'll never reach it?
...what happened to summer weather? a low of 40 tonight...seriously...
...why do I ponder so much?

Tuesday, June 2, 2009


I've realized I have many interests in life. One might say I have too many interests and need to focus myself. I question that because I think its healthy to have a diversity of interests.

As of late, I have found myself much more focused on future plans in my life and how my interests may correlate. I feel inspired to take a risk and purse some of these interests 100% however being one who likes security and routine but maybe its time I break out of that shell. I'll take all the encourage you might be willing to give as I know it won't be easy for me.

It's time to take a chance, pursue those interests that bring joy in your life.

Things I'm pondering...
... which interest do I start with?
... can I really do this?
... I can do all things through Him who gives me strength....Amen. Philippians 4:13

Monday, June 1, 2009

Just Because

So I feel like writing a blog post right now except for no other reason to just do it. I have no real topic in mind, but feel somewhat inspired at the moment. Sitting in a coffeeshop, working on school work and I feel inspired to write...I know, random.

I'm in the corner, in my own little world, listening to some great tunes by Wolfy. A great band, a true friend, even if I didn't get to travel with the band. Maybe someday in the future. You never know how things might just work out.

Maybe that's a good topic for a brief post. Fate. Does it exist? Are we in control? Is there a greater being that is in control of our fate and when will that great 'plan' be revealed to us?

The plan for our lives is revealed each and every day...we just don't always know it. Through the people we meet, the places we go and the decisions we make, we are paving the road of our future.

But, don't forget to take a moment to stop and breathe and take it all it. For life, moves quickly and will flash before your eyes.

Things I'm pondering...
... I like the random blog...
... hot tea should warm you up but for some reason, mine is not. Why?
... why is it that it is almost summer and yet we can have 25 degree changes in the same day

Saturday, May 23, 2009

Inspiring Moments

Sometimes in life when you feel like you're down for the count, you have to pick yourself up and do something out of the ordinary. But sometimes its not that out of the ordinary but something that you should have been doing for awhile but have somehow neglected to make time for in your busy life.

I stepped back into something that I used to greatly enjoy the other night--Live Music. I had no plans and ended up at a local coffee shop for some live music and realized that I've let life get in the way of pure enjoyment. Music has always had a place in my life however in varying forms. I think its time to do some refocusing on let it take on a bigger piece of the this pie we call life.

Things I'm pondering...
...How can something so simple have such a great impact?
...I like rain.

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Myths: 1.0

Actually, the title is really Mythbusters but I like just myths. Our lives today are filled with myths but they are only myths because we have not proven them wrong.

Easter is a time of expression, reflection and understanding of the ultimate price paid for our sins. A myth? Not exactly. Jesus was alive, then died, was buried, and rose again three days later. Fact.

No selection process was involved as Jesus died for our sins. All our sins were forgiven.

What does this mean for me?

I've received Christ, believe that he rose from the dead three days later and believe I will have everlasting life. I will continue to grow in my personal relationship with Christ for He has saved me.

risk vs. RISK - part II


Risk is the point faith moves from the 'theoretical' to real.

REAL faith impacts your life and involves. Risk is not something that I'm comfortable with, despite taking on more risk in my life recently. Risk does affect your relationships you have with people. In addition, your relationship with God will also impact these relationships with others around you.

What is the benefit of taking on risk in one's life? Without taking a risk, you will never gain that which you aspire to and will not gain from it. Risk is not a bad thing but actually good. Risk is a teaching element that allows us to grow stronger in our relationship with God. Its a challenge. God wants us to not become complacent in seeking after Him and therefore, will require us to take risks in our lives to continue on the journey of seeking after Him. Risk will allow us to succeed.

Personally speaking, I know its true and that risk will have a positive impact on my life however its easier said then done. Giving 100% control over to God of your life is a risk itself. But as noted earlier, God will not give you a risk hoping we will fail but rather for us to grow and succeed. So what risk are you gonna take?

Things I'm pondering...
... at what point is a risk just stupid?
... am I taking a risk by making these thoughts of mine public?
... Risk = Good, now repeat that over and over and over.

Thursday, April 9, 2009

Not Alone

I've often felt alone recently...lost in this world, trudging through life's complications, struggles and journey. The emptiness overcomes all desire and motivation to move through each day. You get so caught in something...something that isn't...but could be...or could not be. Its all an idea, a fictitious, made-up scenario. Its created in an attempt to fill a void...but the void is not being filled by the right thing.

Emptiness can be the result of so many things in life. Dealing with family, friends, relationships, but I'm realizing, I'm trying to fill a void with something that will not actually fill the void. I feel so far away from everything, everyone but what I want is the nearness...the closeness and sense of comfort.

This can only come from one place..God our Father. During this Easter season, I'll admit, I've forgotten the reason for it. The ultimate price was paid so that I can have my sins forgiven and that I can have that nearness with God in my life. But I've kept him at arm's length because I think I know better or I want my plan to be executed. But it doesn't matter what my plan is because He has a bigger and better one. If only I'll be patient and wait for it to be unveiled to me.

I'm hiding from life but I'm not alone...for God is here with me. I'm not alone, He is here to wipe away all my fears.

Saturday, April 4, 2009

risk vs. RISK - Part 1

We started a new mini series at my church this past weekend: risk vs. RISK

Life comes with many risks...that is just life. But much of risk in our lives is based upon our personal decision-making process. This process, is often times based upon or goals, desires and level of comfort with the unknown. Now, granted, the degree of risk is different for each person but the essence of what it is affects everyone.

Risk can come in many shapes and sizes. There is risk in commuting to work, the food you eat, and in the relationships you have. But there is one relationship that should present very little risk: a personal relationship with Jesus Christ. Why is this? Having faith in Christ, that He died for our sins and desires to have a personal relationship with each one of use should present no risk. But yet it does.

Having a relationship with God will impact your relationships with other individuals in a positive way. How? As we as Christians strive to be more Christ-like in our life, we set examples to other individuals, opening a potential non-believer to God's individual love for them. Through relationships and connecting with people, you ultimately create a sense of community with other individuals. Community is real. Risk is real. But without risk, you can't live in the real, the here and now.

Risk does bring a potential vulnerability in each one of us but without risk, we will never grow in relationships, community and our personal relationship with God.

So what risks have you taken lately? I tend to be a risk-adverse person but I'm attempting to take more risks in life. Life is short and you have to make the most of it. Identify your dreams and goals for your life. There is a certain amount of risk that comes with those. Begin taking steps towards reaching those goals, regardless of the level of risk. Without stepping out in faith and taking a risk, the potential upside will never be realized.

Things I'm pondering...
...jumping into a risk gung-ho could be dangerous...but I might be ok with that...
...doesn't driving or eating food not prepared at home a sufficient amount of risk each day?
...I took a step of faith that to me, was a risk where to others it is not commonly viewed as a risk...stay posted to see how it turns out!

Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Catalyst 4.0, The Ending

Over the course of my last few posts, I've talked about catalysts in my life. I may not have shared as much regarding specific examples but that is where this final posting about catalysts comes in. In this last posting in the series, I want to talk about the catalyst of conversation and sharing.

Conversation is vital to life. Through conversation, you are able to share your thoughts, feelings, ideas and a little piece of yourself. I find myself enjoying being on the 'listening' side of many conversations. I truly enjoy learning more about individuals, and being able to communicate with them. Through conversation, oftentimes you end up sharing things about yourself but can also have the opportunity to share something that is personal to each of us: our faith.

They say, two things you don't talk about are politics and religion. Well, if you don't talk about religion (or your faith in this example), how else can you learn about others and grow in community? The sharing of your faith should allow you to demonstrate the love of God for each of us and your individual desire to grow in your own faith. Through the sharing of your faith, you are also doing God's work by sharing more about Him.

My sharing + God's working = catalyst. What you do with this catalyst is up to you but through a simple conversation, you can have a great impact on one's life. I know that I have experienced this many times and hope that God continues to reveal Himself to others through me.

Sunday, March 29, 2009

Catalyst 3.0

The third catalyst component is serving - something I'm quite familiar with. Being a servant to an individual or a group of people demonstrates your care for others and models after God's care for us. It says in 1 Peter 4:10, we are to serve others with whatever gift we have received. Through acts of service towards others, our experiences will expand our own personal knowledge of God.

I have seen this happen in my life. I'm quite involved in our technical arts ministry at my church and have been amazed at a number of things. First, the sense of community you receive when you helps outs. You develop relationships and establish community through your service. Second, I have gained knowledge of God, His working in my life and the plans yet in store for me. Through the relationships that I've developed, I have been challenged in my own faith, resulting in greater knowledge and understanding. I still have questions and hope to continually ask questions in hopes of expanding my knowledge base. Third, I have gained much technical knowledge specific to the areas where I serve. This knowledge has proved to be beneficial not only in my professional career but is also hopefully setting the stage for my future career plans.

Service doesn't have to be long-term, high volume of hours or doing the hard things. Service can be as simple as handing out bulletins or just being available to answer questions. Yes, some serve in greater roles and have greater responsibilities than others. It's all dependent upon what gift's God has given to you and what He is placing on your heart.

Things I'm pondering...
... how much of an impact one individual can have on person's life...
... sometimes having a plan can be irrelevant...maybe...
... I'm pondering that second thing I'm pondering...

Friday, March 27, 2009

Thoughts on the day...week...

A few thoughts on the day... and the week.

It was a relatively good week...I think. I have felt much in search of something this week however not quite sure what it is that I'm looking for. Direction? Relationship? Acceptance? Recognition? Grace? All of the above?

I'm not to the point of being discouraged in not knowing what I'm looking for but yet am a bit frustrated. I struggle with getting to the point where 'its OK to not know everything'.

But what am truly looking for? Is it something greater than I could imagine? If I found all of the above feelings and emotions were found and met, would satisfaction and contentment then result?

I honestly don't know. But I hope that one day, I'll find whatever it is that I'm looking for.

Monday, March 23, 2009

Catalyst - 2.1

So I've deviating from the weekly (which isn't happening very well) posting about the current Catalyst series at my church. Tonight...I'm bringing a brief note about how a catalyst has worked in my life recently.

There are times in life when you seem down, discouraged, frustrated....the list continues. But something happens in your life to begin to turn things around...a catalyst perhaps. I've recently experienced this in a conversation with a friend recently that helped me put things (generally in perspective. Life is short and you must always keep things in perspective. You need to live in the moment and not worry so much about what life will bring. I've been struggling with my milestone age change upcoming and not believing that I've accomplished what I had set out for by this age. Well, the reason could be that I haven't given full control of my life over to the one who has already determined the plan for my life: God. This is easier said than done and I believe many will agree. But I've realized (with the help of some close friends) life is not about what you've accomplished, where you succeed in life, etc. Life is about relationships, about connection, about community and most importantly, seeking after God's will. What is his will? Only he knows and I must fully trust Him and allow it to be reveled. Its not an easy task but each day, I must step back and release control of the journey and turn over the reigns for whatever life will bring - good or bad.

It's a growing period and can feel the change in my life. It affects your attitude and outlook on life and may be somewhat negative initially. But PATIENCE will prevail in the end.

Bottom line: Seek God's will and allow Him to fully control and guide your life. Be Patience for His workings and it will be revealed to you.

Things I'm pondering....
... why does 6 hours of sleep go by so much faster than the other 18 hours of the day?
... if I don't sleep, can my productivity in those 6 hours outweigh the added benefit of sleep?
... how amazed I can be by the people you meet along life's journey.

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Catalyst - Part 2

I'm a little behind but here is my second Catalyst posting.

Recap: Catalyst is a change that takes place when two or more elements are brought together.

The second Catalyst that each of has in our lives is the Catalyst of Connection. It is our human nature to connect with people as well as God's desire for us (Gen. 2:18).

The benefits of connecting with other people is endless. Connections result in community that provides encouragement, support, love and relationships. Most of, connecting and community results in friendships that can last a lifetime and have a significant impact in one's life.

So how do we connect with people? There are four primary areas where we connect: public space, social space, personal space and intimate space. Each 'space' has characteristics but for me, I connect the best either in the personal or intimate space. I focus on being intentional with a friend, being a great listener and providing unbiased advice based upon the situation and advice being seeked. Many people are less comfortable in these situations however this is where my personality thrives. There is something about being intentional in relationships that seem to provide greater value and understanding for each other.

To establish this relationship, you must first connect with other people, create a community and then develop your relationship from there.

Things I'm pondering...
... Can you have too many catalyst's working in one's life?
... Can you reach a point where you have too much community that results in detraction from relationships?
... Friendships are amazing and are a great support.

Sunday, February 22, 2009

Catalyst...Part 1

When I was younger, I loved reading the book title The Way Things Work and always learning new things. Through this book and many other life experiences, I have had the opportunity to learn about how things works, cause and effect, interactions between two or more things. One component of all these things I've learned is that each requires a Catalyst. With a catalyst, something will have an effect on something else. You may not always know what will happen but you'll need to anticipate it.

My church started a new series this week called Catalyst: Anticipate What's Going to Happen. We discussed some of the core catalytic christian beliefs or God's deeply held beliefs. One that was focused on in the sermon was based on the following: Nothing I do or that I have done can earn or help merit my salvation (Ephesians 2:8-9).

This catalyst, if believed, will affect the decisions that I make in my life. This deeply held belief is a foundation of God's working in my life and my personal spiritual development. I for one do believe in this catalyst - that nothing I do can earn or help merit my salvation. Works one earth does not 'get me farther' than someone else.

When you bottom line it, if you believe in these beliefs, you are drawn closer to God. It was stated, the more I [you] understand the beliefs, or for example, Grace, the closer you are to God.

So what does this mean? Living a Godly life is not about what I do, where I volunteer or the attempt to impress people. Instead, its about being Christ-like in all I do and continually seeking after Him through everything I do. Could this be through volunteering or acts of service? It could but doesn't have to be.

Take this and ponder it yourself and see how it impacts or changes your life. I've noticed a difference already.

Things I'm pondering...
...Attitude has a great impact on ones life....
...I'm hoping to find new ways to travel economically...
...I find opportunities to help people...its just a gift...and that's good, right?...

Saturday, February 21, 2009

I'm really gonna try now...

How many times have I attempted to start a new thread of blogs with high hopes of having a more consistent, or should I say frequent, posting regime. Well, lets give this a try again.

I'm going to start a new topic shortly but first, with regard to my last post...regarding (wow, just used regarding twice) life to the fullest.

Have I done it? some extent but not to the fullest. Will I attempt to do this in the future, absolutely. When will I start? I'd like to say today, but its late at night, so will tomorrow work? Sure will. But I gotta do it.

So, a new topic....let's about something that I've talked about before? Not new, of course not. I always post on something that is somehow related to a prior post.

So, tonight...let's talk about internal motivation or sometimes, I like to call this 'internal marketing'. the essence of marketing is to sell or convince someone else to buy something or try something, that they may not be familiar with. So, what is internal marketing? Its the same concept but when you do it on yourself.

I'm trying to sell myself on the idea that happiness only comes with contentment. Is it true? Well, sure it is...if you believe you can achieve contentment. I honestly think I can and that is what I'm striving for. To reach this awe-struck feeling where I realize, I am happy for no other reason, than to just be happy. Let's see if it really happens or not.

Things I'm pondering...
...dreams...what do they really mean? especially when you wake up and say...that was weird... is a good is...but why I can't I do it?
...can jealousy be a motivator to pursue dreams?

Sunday, January 4, 2009


My church began a new series this week entitled 'Six Weeks to Live'. Now, before you read on, this is NOT a series about preparing to die, as so eloquently noted by my pastor but a series to encourage living life to the fullest. The first week, we focused on dreams.

So, what are your dreams? Have you even thought about them? Please note, dreams are not your 'goals' but rather aspirations of your life. Dreams are special and specific. So, when thinking of your dreams, be sure to identify what it looks like to YOU! If you have a dream of being wealthy, what does that look like to you? Be specific...

The next step is then to become intentional about pursuing your dreams. If say for example, you have a dream to start your own business, what steps are you taking to make it happen? Are you networking with other entrepreneurs and learning what works and what doesn't work? Are you reading up on the industry you are interested in?

Dreams are attainable but you must commit to seeing the dream become a reality. Take steps to first, identify your dreams and then become intentional towards attaining them.

Things I'm pondering...
... can you have too many dreams?
... is there anything wrong with wine and cheese being a dream?
... its so easy to become an enabler of dreams but why are we so hesitant about taking those next steps? You can't fail if you don't try!