We started a new mini series at my church this past weekend: risk vs. RISK
Life comes with many risks...that is just life. But much of risk in our lives is based upon our personal decision-making process. This process, is often times based upon or goals, desires and level of comfort with the unknown. Now, granted, the degree of risk is different for each person but the essence of what it is affects everyone.
Risk can come in many shapes and sizes. There is risk in commuting to work, the food you eat, and in the relationships you have. But there is one relationship that should present very little risk: a personal relationship with Jesus Christ. Why is this? Having faith in Christ, that He died for our sins and desires to have a personal relationship with each one of use should present no risk. But yet it does.
Having a relationship with God will impact your relationships with other individuals in a positive way. How? As we as Christians strive to be more Christ-like in our life, we set examples to other individuals, opening a potential non-believer to God's individual love for them. Through relationships and connecting with people, you ultimately create a sense of community with other individuals. Community is real. Risk is real. But without risk, you can't live in the real, the here and now.
Risk does bring a potential vulnerability in each one of us but without risk, we will never grow in relationships, community and our personal relationship with God.
So what risks have you taken lately? I tend to be a risk-adverse person but I'm attempting to take more risks in life. Life is short and you have to make the most of it. Identify your dreams and goals for your life. There is a certain amount of risk that comes with those. Begin taking steps towards reaching those goals, regardless of the level of risk. Without stepping out in faith and taking a risk, the potential upside will never be realized.
Things I'm pondering...
...jumping into a risk gung-ho could be dangerous...but I might be ok with that...
...doesn't driving or eating food not prepared at home a sufficient amount of risk each day?
...I took a step of faith that to me, was a risk where to others it is not commonly viewed as a risk...stay posted to see how it turns out!
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