Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Friendships - Relationships - Community

I've recently reconnected with some old friends over the past few months with a bit more regular communication as of late. I've come to realize that distance in life should never come between friendships. There shouldn't be a need to 'reconnect' with people just because they move far away. Friendships take a little bit of effort but the effort is worth the relationships that you can build over time. Sometimes conversations are reduced to the hi, how are you and what's new. Other times, the conversations start right from the beginning...'Hi Austin...what's the meaning of life?' There are those people in your lives that bring meaning and purpose to life to promote healthy and meaning communication and relationship in one's life. Those relationships reconnect you with community and allow you to expand your network in various forms. Community can bring people together from all walks of life with similarities or differences. Individuals can thrive in community, grow individually and grow together.

Thank you to those in my life that I've 'reconnected' with.

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