Monday, June 29, 2009

Why Don't You Understand

Tell me, please, why don't you understand? Is it because you've tried to hard and in doing so, you have pushed it away? Did you lose your hope? What has happened to your foundation? You know it is still there....go back to that which your foundation is built upon. Put aside your emotions and seek constantly. In all things you do, become intentional and for a reason, not just because. You will understand, one day....and every day. But open your eyes and see where you are and what you've become.

You will understand but you must openly accept that which has been placed before you. No harm will come, just follow the path.

Friday, June 26, 2009


Time off is an amazing thing. Time to just relax, no worries for the woes of life and time to just be. It's calming how simply reading a book, for leisure, can be a rejuvenating activity.

Remember to take time for yourself. Time is a precious gift that should not be taken for granted.

Things I'm pondering...
.... nothing...just enjoying the moment of time.

Tuesday, June 16, 2009


No one ever said life is easy. So why do we constantly expect it? Life is too hard? I don't know what to do? Why can't I just see into the future and see what the outcome will be? Unfortunately, it doesn't work that way. If only....

But what if complications are a good thing...could they be used to help us grow and be challenged? Maybe its just God's testing...not actual loss of direction of complication's in life but small tests of our faith and willingness to put God in front of our own desires and plans. The reward, in the end is so great, that why would we want to neglect this opportunity to become closer to our creator?

But...easier said then done. It's a daily challenge to not take control of your life and give that control over. We'll all be better off if we can do just that.

Jeremiah 29:11 - For I know the plans I have for you declares the Lord, plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.

Things I'm pondering...
...amazed how God works in mysterious ways...
...conversations with friends are inspiring...I highly recommend it... will get easier with God in the driver's seat...

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Judgement & Perfectionism

One must realize that it doesn't really matter what others think of you. As humans, we strive to always do the right thing and achieve perfection in our lives. Often, if not most times, we believe we are in control of this and can achieve that high-perched status of being perfect. When, in reality, we will also fall short of this for there is only one who is perfect.

So then, why is it we continually beat ourselves up, view ourselves as failures and then attempt to reach perfection when we know it is unattainable? Is it the pursuit of something we want but can't have? (Reminds me of relationships!)

A friend of mine recently expressed their concern of being a failure because of what others think of them. Who cares. Focus on you and your life. And remember, there is only one who we need to please with our actions and our life. For He has already paid the price for our sins and the decisions for our lives. He has set us free from judgement and criticism. Rejoice in what He has provided you with and surround yourself with those who love you. In the end, that is All that Matters.

Things I'm pondering...
...why must I strive to be perfect when I knowingly accept I'll never reach it?
...what happened to summer weather? a low of 40 tonight...seriously...
...why do I ponder so much?

Tuesday, June 2, 2009


I've realized I have many interests in life. One might say I have too many interests and need to focus myself. I question that because I think its healthy to have a diversity of interests.

As of late, I have found myself much more focused on future plans in my life and how my interests may correlate. I feel inspired to take a risk and purse some of these interests 100% however being one who likes security and routine but maybe its time I break out of that shell. I'll take all the encourage you might be willing to give as I know it won't be easy for me.

It's time to take a chance, pursue those interests that bring joy in your life.

Things I'm pondering...
... which interest do I start with?
... can I really do this?
... I can do all things through Him who gives me strength....Amen. Philippians 4:13

Monday, June 1, 2009

Just Because

So I feel like writing a blog post right now except for no other reason to just do it. I have no real topic in mind, but feel somewhat inspired at the moment. Sitting in a coffeeshop, working on school work and I feel inspired to write...I know, random.

I'm in the corner, in my own little world, listening to some great tunes by Wolfy. A great band, a true friend, even if I didn't get to travel with the band. Maybe someday in the future. You never know how things might just work out.

Maybe that's a good topic for a brief post. Fate. Does it exist? Are we in control? Is there a greater being that is in control of our fate and when will that great 'plan' be revealed to us?

The plan for our lives is revealed each and every day...we just don't always know it. Through the people we meet, the places we go and the decisions we make, we are paving the road of our future.

But, don't forget to take a moment to stop and breathe and take it all it. For life, moves quickly and will flash before your eyes.

Things I'm pondering...
... I like the random blog...
... hot tea should warm you up but for some reason, mine is not. Why?
... why is it that it is almost summer and yet we can have 25 degree changes in the same day