Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Myths: 1.0

Actually, the title is really Mythbusters but I like just myths. Our lives today are filled with myths but they are only myths because we have not proven them wrong.

Easter is a time of expression, reflection and understanding of the ultimate price paid for our sins. A myth? Not exactly. Jesus was alive, then died, was buried, and rose again three days later. Fact.

No selection process was involved as Jesus died for our sins. All our sins were forgiven.

What does this mean for me?

I've received Christ, believe that he rose from the dead three days later and believe I will have everlasting life. I will continue to grow in my personal relationship with Christ for He has saved me.

risk vs. RISK - part II


Risk is the point faith moves from the 'theoretical' to real.

REAL faith impacts your life and involves. Risk is not something that I'm comfortable with, despite taking on more risk in my life recently. Risk does affect your relationships you have with people. In addition, your relationship with God will also impact these relationships with others around you.

What is the benefit of taking on risk in one's life? Without taking a risk, you will never gain that which you aspire to and will not gain from it. Risk is not a bad thing but actually good. Risk is a teaching element that allows us to grow stronger in our relationship with God. Its a challenge. God wants us to not become complacent in seeking after Him and therefore, will require us to take risks in our lives to continue on the journey of seeking after Him. Risk will allow us to succeed.

Personally speaking, I know its true and that risk will have a positive impact on my life however its easier said then done. Giving 100% control over to God of your life is a risk itself. But as noted earlier, God will not give you a risk hoping we will fail but rather for us to grow and succeed. So what risk are you gonna take?

Things I'm pondering...
... at what point is a risk just stupid?
... am I taking a risk by making these thoughts of mine public?
... Risk = Good, now repeat that over and over and over.

Thursday, April 9, 2009

Not Alone

I've often felt alone recently...lost in this world, trudging through life's complications, struggles and journey. The emptiness overcomes all desire and motivation to move through each day. You get so caught in something...something that isn't...but could be...or could not be. Its all an idea, a fictitious, made-up scenario. Its created in an attempt to fill a void...but the void is not being filled by the right thing.

Emptiness can be the result of so many things in life. Dealing with family, friends, relationships, but I'm realizing, I'm trying to fill a void with something that will not actually fill the void. I feel so far away from everything, everyone but what I want is the nearness...the closeness and sense of comfort.

This can only come from one place..God our Father. During this Easter season, I'll admit, I've forgotten the reason for it. The ultimate price was paid so that I can have my sins forgiven and that I can have that nearness with God in my life. But I've kept him at arm's length because I think I know better or I want my plan to be executed. But it doesn't matter what my plan is because He has a bigger and better one. If only I'll be patient and wait for it to be unveiled to me.

I'm hiding from life but I'm not alone...for God is here with me. I'm not alone, He is here to wipe away all my fears.


Saturday, April 4, 2009

risk vs. RISK - Part 1

We started a new mini series at my church this past weekend: risk vs. RISK

Life comes with many risks...that is just life. But much of risk in our lives is based upon our personal decision-making process. This process, is often times based upon or goals, desires and level of comfort with the unknown. Now, granted, the degree of risk is different for each person but the essence of what it is affects everyone.

Risk can come in many shapes and sizes. There is risk in commuting to work, the food you eat, and in the relationships you have. But there is one relationship that should present very little risk: a personal relationship with Jesus Christ. Why is this? Having faith in Christ, that He died for our sins and desires to have a personal relationship with each one of use should present no risk. But yet it does.

Having a relationship with God will impact your relationships with other individuals in a positive way. How? As we as Christians strive to be more Christ-like in our life, we set examples to other individuals, opening a potential non-believer to God's individual love for them. Through relationships and connecting with people, you ultimately create a sense of community with other individuals. Community is real. Risk is real. But without risk, you can't live in the real, the here and now.

Risk does bring a potential vulnerability in each one of us but without risk, we will never grow in relationships, community and our personal relationship with God.

So what risks have you taken lately? I tend to be a risk-adverse person but I'm attempting to take more risks in life. Life is short and you have to make the most of it. Identify your dreams and goals for your life. There is a certain amount of risk that comes with those. Begin taking steps towards reaching those goals, regardless of the level of risk. Without stepping out in faith and taking a risk, the potential upside will never be realized.

Things I'm pondering...
...jumping into a risk gung-ho could be dangerous...but I might be ok with that...
...doesn't driving or eating food not prepared at home a sufficient amount of risk each day?
...I took a step of faith that to me, was a risk where to others it is not commonly viewed as a risk...stay posted to see how it turns out!