Sunday, July 27, 2008

see title above...

Defining Life's Moments....have you defined a moment lately? I know I haven't. And I ask myself, what's stopping me? Do I need to wait for a little nudge from someone or to the extent of learning of an illness or a threat to my life?

I recently read a book called The Last Lecture. I'm sure you may have heard of it since it is on the best seller's list. In brief, its about a man, Randy Pausch, who was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer and was given a short amount of time to life. He began making decisions in his life to my own words...define his moments of true happiness...

After reading the book and watching his 'Last Lecture' (he was a professor at Carnegie Melon University), I've been inspired to make intentional decisions to define my life and seek out true happiness. I'll admit, I don't know what the first decision will be or the impact it will have but only time will tell.

A little more information on Randy Pausch:

Unfortunately, on Friday, July 25, 2008, Randy passed away however his inspiration lives on.

Monday, July 21, 2008

Sometimes I Wonder

Sometimes I wonder...what if things were different... would things change? ...

Sometimes I wonder...what can I do differently...
...would things actually change?...

Sometimes I wonder...will change make any difference at all...or are we all just stuck in this rut together....called life.

Sunday, July 6, 2008

Doing something Well

When you find something that you enjoy doing, you do it well, and others recognize it, do more of it. Totally worth it - not because its recognized but because it makes you feel good on the inside.

Things I'm Pondering...
  • Cloning...need to figure that out sometime
  • Why do some people just don't understand commonsense? Will it ever change?
  • Are taking chances worth it?

Saturday, July 5, 2008

4th of July

Yesterday was the 4th of July. Probably my favorite holiday. It was different this year. Times have changed, lives have changes, traditions have change. Change is good, right? Sometimes... However change can also sometimes make you think of what was, what could have been, how things were, and why things are the way they are.

That being said...everything happens for a reason. Today is today because that is how it was meant to be. The past is the past, the present is now, the future is yet to be discovered.

Change is good. New traditions can begin along with new goals, focus and purpose. Through it all, never forget the reason for this holiday and the message that it brings. Celebrate life. Celebrate Independence. Celebrate Change.

Things to Ponder...
  • All things happen for a reason...sometimes I just wish I knew why.
  • To what lengths does one go to pursue his dreams?
  • Sometimes, taking a risk will pay off and sometimes no. How can I see into the future?