Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Pieces of the Puzzle

Well, I've made it through day three of the new job and the pieces of the puzzle are finally beginning to take shape. I've had a number of meetings, presentations, webinars, etc. about the different service lines of the business and its starting to make sense. Imagine that!

I still am at the base of the mountain ahead of me but I feel like I'm gaining knowledge and am making some progress. As long as I can keep moving forward, I will be successful. I made a personal observation of myself today as well....I need to focus less on the granular details at this point and focus on 'getting' the big picture. The details will come in due time but I need to get the greater conceptual and overview at this point. I hope I can easily adjust that focus as I wrap up the first week of the new job.

On a side note, I've heard a phase used by more than one employee and multiple times this week and its very motivating and goes to show the character of the employees at this company. In addition, this statement was also directed at me, on my second day of work without the other employees having much prior knowledge of me:

Austin, you are a high-performing individual, in a high-performing organization.

I thought to myself...that's an excellent way to look at it, and incredibly motivating. When I get to work each morning, I think to myself that exact statement. Austin, you are a high-performing individual in a high-performing company. You will do good things today.

What a way to start the day off.

Now, that's work. Thinking about my new grad class and this marketing plan in front of me. I spent some time last night just putting the format and structure together (table of contents, headings, etc) and it amounted to 10 pages! Looking at all the sections, I really don't know how I'll get this done in 7 weeks. But, I will put forth my best effort, that I know. Unfortunately, I am completely ill-motivated tonight so will just be catching up on e-mail and reading some blogs instead tonight.

My ponderings for today...

How long does one need to 'struggle' through life (or what they deem as struggle) before a reward can be obtained?

Love - does it exist? am I looking in the wrong place? am I just not ready?

Exercising actually makes you feel ironic is that! (oh yeah, I am also picking up my routine of visiting the gym again - haven't been there in months but went tonight...feelin' pretty good!)

Tuesday, April 29, 2008


Its day 2 of the new job and needless to say, I have a bad case of the learning curve. So much information that I am attempting to retain. This certainly won't be the easiest undertaking.

In addition to that, my first day at the new job was also the first day of my next graduate class: Marketing Management. Now, one would think, Marketing....I studied this in my undergrad, I've done some marketing in jobs...this should be easy. Plus, its basic marketing course. the matter of 8 short weeks, I need to research and write a marketing plan. Note: Typically in the business world, a marketing plan takes at a minimum of 6 months to research, develop and write.

Needless to say, I'm OVERWHELMED!

Separate from that, I've been reading a daily blog from a good friend of mine that has a band and was on a recent tour out east ( and at the end of each of his blog, he posted his ponderings. They are quite interesting and am going to attempt to adopt this thought process as well. is what I'm pondering tonight...

Is it possible to actually read so much information that your head can explode?
When you get down to it, what is really preventing me from hooking up an IV of coffee?
Who would change the coffee pack when it runs out?

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Day 2: Vacation / Job Transition

So today was my second day of my mini-vacation between my old job and my job I start next week. I caught the Brewer's / Cardinals game today. It was quite long but the brew crew pulled it out in the end.

I met a friend for dinner and then went to a business meeting tonight. Otherwise, not much done today. Its been quiet, which isn't all that bad.

Tomorrow though, I must study for my final. Such excitement I have in my life!

Monday, April 21, 2008

Day 1 of the in between

So today was my first day off in between jobs. I realized this morning that I really enjoy not having a schedule to follow. It was a beautiful day outside and I made a point to get out a little bit. A quick run to Starbucks in the morning and thought to myself, wouldn't it be nice to be self-employed, own my own business, set my own hours, work from home and have peace in my life. Well of course that would be great. It seems quite a distance off but I'm making a point to setting is a goal and striving towards it through everything that I do.

One day, that goal will be achieved. I promise you (me) that!