Sunday, March 30, 2008

Live Life

I was recently reminded that life is short. My aunt passed away last week and was reminded we all have a predetermined amount of time.

Simply put, Live Life to the fullest now. A common saying but appropriate:

"Dream as if you'll live forever, Live as if you'll die tomorrow."
~ James Dean

Friday, March 21, 2008

Life Redesign

Life has been utterly exhausting lately and therefore, you may have guessed, margin has not been found.

Tonight, I finally decided to take a night for myself and relax. Alright, it was really a choice since I'm feeling under the weather...its been about a month now and just can't shake this thing.

Anyways, so, tonight, I pickup the book...A Minute of Margin...again and read the next excerpt which is titled 'Redesigning Life'. How suitable for me today.

I read on and the author discusses how one day, him and his wife reach the point where life has just become too overwhelming and the decided to STOP and take a night for themselves and try to discover all the things that are consuming their lives. Interesting...might be a good idea.

So...I did this as well. Here is my list:

- Work
- Defining a Career Path
- Grad School with one class a week for 3.5 hours with close to 6-7 hours of homework outside of class
- Financial Peace class at my church
- Serving through tech ministry at church
- Attempting to be involved in the life of niece of almost 9 months already!
- social life - doesn't really exist.

Back to the after the list was made, they threw it into the fire and wiped the slate clean. It was symbolizing the release of control that 'life' and all their activities had on them.

A friend of mine this week told me that I need to start doing things for myself. Very wise words and I hope that I can do that. Granted, I will need to relinquish some things in my life....OR...change the things in my life to be less burdensome but instead rewarding.

So, here is my new list:

- I am fortunate to have a job - make the most of it and learn something new every day
- I am young, your career path will change - live in the here and now for your career and pursue those things that you enjoy and are rewarding
- I Will have your MBA in less than 2 years - congrats on the accomplishment. Finish Strong!
- Homework teaches me something - curriculum or organization and work ethic - just do your homework.
- Financial Peace class at my church - As Dave Ramsey says, day, you'll live like no one else.
- I am a means to instill change in people. Never let the stress of doing good work get in the way of Serving.
- I am an influential person. Influence cannot be measured in quantity but in quality. Make the most of the times with my niece.
- Through your activities, you will meet people. Live by example and people will be drawn to you.

Its amazing how inspirational I can be to myself when I just take the time to do it and find that 'margin' in my life for it.

Saturday, March 1, 2008

Margin = Happiness?

'Happiness is a place between too little and too much.
- Finnish Proverb

Does Margin = Happiness? Maybe, or maybe not. I truly think it is a contributing factor.

I have a number of big decisions in front of me. With each decisions comes a gauge of margin. Will it increase or decrease? What are the short-term and long-term benefits?

Simplifying what makes the heart happy.