Wednesday, April 25, 2007


We all search for something...happiness, relationship, love, companionship, name it, we seek after it. But...think about this...what seeks after you?

I've struggled lately with trying to seek out something in my life but the troubling part is I don't know what it is. What am I seeking for? Is it happiness? love? success? yes to all of the above?

Sometimes, yes it is all of those but other times its none but I can't pinpoint what it is.

I hope to find direction sometime soon but I will be patience until the path in front of me is revealed.

Saturday, April 7, 2007

the Will of LIfe

So, I was about to title this blog My Will...and then I was stopped dead in my tracks. It's not my will, its not my Life...Austin..what are you thinking? Honestly, sometimes I don't know. I mean, think about it...God created all, that means He created me. He didn't do this so that I can appease my own desires but instead, to serve Him and to glorify Him. Ok, sounds a little crazy but...its True. Why should we be so focused on what our lifes will accomplish?

All things are in God's will. So why can't we just fully trust Him and His will? Are you going to question God? Are you under-estimating the all mighty one, creator of heaven and Earth...yeah...I'll get right on that.

So, that brings me back to the original topic...the Will of Life...anyone got any ideas what that is? Me neither except for the fact that God will continually reveal His plan for me and my life and that is what I need to follow.

Jer. 29:11 says...'For I know the plans I have for you, says the Lord, Plans to prosper you and not to Harm You.'

That sounds you care to elaborate? Well, as 'God's Will' is revealed to me each and every day, I will learn more about my purpose and plan for my life. But, I'll admit, as of late, I sure am lacking some direction in my life.

One day, I think I'll finally have it figured out and where God wants me...and to my surprise, I'll already be there because that is where God intended for me to go from the beginning.

Ponder that one!

Wednesday, April 4, 2007

Endless Madness

So it feels as though my life is in an endless madness spin cycle of a washing machine...there's some great imagery. You'd think when you put so much effort into trying to simply your life, you'd be successful. But yet, instead, I find myself more busy... why is that?

I hope one day soon all aspects of life will setttle down unlike the clouds of dust on this windy day!

"Nothing is a simple as we hope it will be."
~ Jim Horning